air pollution, mortality, COVID-19, nitrogen dioxideAbstract
The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship of air pollution and the number of deaths in each Thai province affected by COVID-19. To accomplish so, COVID-19 specific mortality has been normalized for each Thai province 37 provinces and every age group (8 groups) spanning from 0 to 9 years to >70 years, using national population numbers from 2020. A correlation and a linear regression model were used to investigate the association between air pollution and COVID-19 mortality in Thai provinces. As a result, the SMR (Standardized Mortality Ratio) in some provinces is substantially higher than expected and the presence of NO2 was found to be independently linked with case status. In conclusion, this study appears to uncover evidence that supports the presence of a link between air pollution and the risk of disease-related death, which refers to nitrogen dioxide (NO2).
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