
  • Trairong Phlansaeng
  • Parichat Techa
  • Chutima Jaiwisan
  • Namfon Inthang คณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏกำแพงเพชร
  • Onnicha Siriprachot


Corn husk, Rice straw, Starch wet glue, Epoxy, Material sheet instead of wood


    The aim of this research was to study the effect of a suitable amount of starch wet glue and epoxy on the physical and mechanical properties of the material sheet instead of wood by using corn husk and rice straw mixed with wet glue and epoxy in amount of 125 g 150 g and 175 g, respectively. Then the plywood was compressed by the concrete testing machine. The characteristics of the material sheet instead of wood was described. The physical properties and mechanical properties of the material sheet instead of wood was analyzed by comparing with the TIS standard 876-2547. The results show that the morphology of material sheet instead of wood used in starch wet glue as adhesive in different ratio was not smooth, rough, bent and not straight with different from the shape of the material sheet instead of wood that uses epoxy as a bonding adhesive. The surface is smooth, not rough, not bent, straight and strong. The physical and mechanical properties analysis of the material sheet instead of wood showed that the moisture content of material sheet instead of wood that uses starch wet glue as adhesive were within the acceptable levels as prescribed in
the standard but the modulus of rupture, modulus of elasticity, density, water absorption and blistering according to the thickness were not pass the established standard in all proportions. As for the material sheet instead of wood that uses epoxy as adhesive, most of the samples were within the acceptable levels as prescribed in the standard, except for the material sheet instead of wood that uses epoxy in the amount of 125 g and the modulus of elasticity was not pass the established. Therefore, the results of this study found that the plywood production using agricultural waste (Corn husk and rice straw) with epoxy in the amount of 150 g and 175 g can be used as an alternative raw material source for the plywood industry.


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How to Cite

Phlansaeng, T. ., Techa, P. . . ., Jaiwisan, C. ., Inthang, N. . ., & Siriprachot, O. . (2021). STUDY ON THE MANUFACTURING WOOD SUBSTITUTED MATERIALS FROM AGRICULTURAL WASTE. PSRU Journal of Science and Technology, 6(3), 121–134. retrieved from



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