
  • Chaiyong Soemphol Mahasarakham University
  • Niwat Angkawisittpan


Efficiency improvement, Wireless power transfer, Metamaterials


The wireless power transfer system is considered to be a new technology in the future that will help facilitate for human daily life. This paper presents a study on the applications of metamaterials for enhancing the efficiency of wireless power transfer systems. The basic principles of wireless power transfer system, metamaterials and its applications for wireless power transfer system are proposed. The results of the literature review show that metamaterials can be used to significantly increase the efficiency of the wireless power transfer systems.


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How to Cite

Soemphol, C., & Angkawisittpan, N. (2020). EFFICIENCY ENHANCEMENT OF WIRELESS POWER TRANSFER SYSTEM WITH METAMATERIALS. PSRU Journal of Science and Technology, 5(3), 1–11. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Scipsru/article/view/241001