
  • Yuppayao Tokeeree Environmental Science Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, Surindra Rajabhat University
  • Chuanpit Jarat
  • Duangtar Novacek
  • Nongnut Saraph


Perennial Plants, Carbon storage, Plant diversity, Community forest


This research aimed to study the plant species diversity and carbon storage in biomass of perennial plants in the dry dipterocarp forest area at Bann Sangtawan community forests, Mueang district, Surin province which was a deciduous dipterocarp forest with 20 rai of the study area. Two square plots (40 x 40 m) were established in the study site. Species identification was studied. Diameter at breast height (DBH) of trees (greater than 4.5 cm) and their height were measured. The biomass was calculated using the allometric equation. Then, the carbon storage was estimated. The result indicated that 25 families, 31 genus, 35 species were found from Bann Sangtawan community forests. Average tree density was 263 trees/rai. Average tree basal area was 2.896 m2/rai. Average carbon storage in biomass was 12,281.23 kg/rai and total carbon storage of forest area was 245,624.52 kg. The highest carbon storage in biomass of plant was Dipterocarpus obtusifolius Teijsm. ex Miq. (7,839.36 kg/rai), follow by Dipterocarpus intricatus Dyer (2,393.38 kg/rai) and Melodorum fruticosum Lour. (383.71 kg/rai), respectively. Therefore, this research suggested that perennial plants in the forest ecosystem play an important role in carbon storage in wood and decrease global warming.


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How to Cite

Tokeeree, Y., Jarat, C., Novacek, D. ., & Saraph, N. . (2020). CARBON STORAGE IN BIOMASS OF PERENNIAL PLANTS AT BAN SANGTAWAN COMMUNITY FOREST, SURIN PROVINCE. PSRU Journal of Science and Technology, 5(3), 23–36. retrieved from



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