
  • Saowapa Chumanee Phechabun Rajabhat University
  • Ruchira Khoomsab


Sacha inchi leaves, Phytochemical, Antioxidant activity, Minerals


The objective of this research was determined the amount of phytochemical, antioxidant activity and minerals in Sacha inchi (Plukenetia volubilis L.) leaves at different stages (young, immature and mature leaves). Chlorophyll and carotenoids contents were extracted with 80% acetone and then were measured at 480 510 645 และ 663 nm of absorbance by spectrophotometer. The total phenolic content was analyzed by Folin-Ciocateu method, antioxidant activity was analyzed by DPPH free radical scavenging and minerals were analyzed by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The results found that fresh-mature leaves in the evening had the highest value of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total of chlorophyll and carotene content were 2.43, 0.91, 3.34 and 1.04 mg/g of fresh leaves, respectively. Fresh-mature leaves had the total phenolic content of 221.46 mgGA/g, antioxidant activity of 2.17 µmol Trolox/g, Ca, Mg and Zn were 616.4, 97.59 and 1.25 mg/100g of fresh leaves, respectively. Mixed immature and mature Sacha inchi tea leaves had the total phenolic content of 1,071.3 mgGA/g, the antioxidant activity of 3.1 µmol Trolox/g and the especially minerals of Ca was highest at 2,035 mg/100g. All of the results showed that both the fresh leaves and the dried leaves of the sacha inchi leaves were nutritious as a health food supplement


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How to Cite

Chumanee, S., & Khoomsab, R. . (2020). THE DETERMINATION OF PHYTOCHEMICAL CONTENT, ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY, AND MINERAL FROM THE PLUKENETIA VOLUBILIS L. LEAVES. PSRU Journal of Science and Technology, 5(2), 98–113. retrieved from



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