
  • Siriwatcharee Jumpangam
  • Peeranart Kiddee Faculty of ScienceThanksin University
  • Wikanda Thongnueankaeng


Incense, Agricultural waste, Oil palm frond, Bagasse, Rice husk


The objectives of this research were investigated the efficiency and quality of incense from agricultural wastes including oil palm frond, bagasse and rice husk and studied on the concentration of lead in incense ash from agricultural wastes. The efficiency of incense was examined time combustion, weight, total suspended particle and smoke whereas the quality of incenses was inspected surface, colour and texture. The efficiency and quality of the incense and lead concentration of the incense ash were compared to commercial incense which qualified by Thai industrial standards (TIS). The results found that oil palm frond was an agricultural waste which used to produce superiority incense. The incense product from oil palm frond was the shortest combustion time at 29.86±6.031 minute. The average of total suspended particle of the incense product from oil palm frond was 0.551×10-4±0.107×10-4 mg/m3. The smoke was low and the surface was slightly rough. The lead concentration of the incense ash from oil palm frond was 2.548±0.021 mg/kg under quality standard. The comparison of the efficiency, quality of the incense product and the lead concentration of the incense ash from oil palm with the commercial incense product was nearly equivalent standards. However, the production of incense from agricultural waste was slightly rough surface and loose texture. Therefore, the production of incense from agricultural waste for business competition should be improved the surface and texture of incense.


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How to Cite

Jumpangam, S. ., Kiddee, P., & Thongnueankaeng, W. . . (2020). THE STUDY OF THE EFFICIENCY AND QUALITY OF INCENSE PRODUCTION FROM AGRICULTURAL WASTES. PSRU Journal of Science and Technology, 5(2), 59–71. retrieved from



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