
  • Naruemol Thurnkul Faculty of Science and Technology, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University,


Actinobacteria, Mutant, Dyeing, Silk fiber


Eight mutant actinobacteria were selected by genetic modification Actinobacteria D7 which induced via ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Each isolated mutant was produced various orange shades on Sodium caseinate agar (SCA) media. This study was aimed to study  the production and extraction of dyes using broken-milled rice and silk fibers dyeing color. It was found that the eight mutant actinobacteria were produced violet tones on broken-milled rice. The color pigment which extracted by 70% ethanol provided tones of pink and dye the silk fibers in pink tones. The mutant actinobacteria can be used to produce dye for commercial silk dyeing.


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How to Cite

Thurnkul, N. (2020). APPLICATION OF ACTINOBACTERIA MUTANTS FOR SILK FIBER DYEING. PSRU Journal of Science and Technology, 5(2), 26–34. retrieved from



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