
  • Phaiwan Pramai
  • Patita Thanthong
  • Thanyarat Pakdam
  • Sirada Rueangthanatkul
  • Pakawadee Phugan
  • Soratworachum Inket
  • Susitra Singsom


Kanom-Tian, Black glutinous rice flour, Antioxidant


The objective of this research was to develop Kanom-Tian product with high nutritive value and antioxidants. Glutinous rice flour was replaced by black glutinous rice flour (BGRF) at the level of 5, 15, 25, 35 and 45 percentage (%) by weight of flour. The filling ingredient of Kanom-Tian was developed using cereal and tubers, including purple sweet potato, taro, and black beans. The physical and chemical properties were studied as well as sensory evaluation. The result showed that the L* and b* values of Kanom-Tian flour were decreased, while the a* value was increased with the increase in the amount of BGRF (p≤0.05). Sensory evaluation was conducted by the 9-Point Hedonic Scale Test for the appearance, color, odor, taste, texture and overall liking. Kanom-Tian with 15% BGRF had the highest liking score for texture and overall liking (p≤0.05). For the development of filling ingredients from purple sweet potato, taro, and black bean, it was found that purple sweet potato filling consisted of the most anthocyanin and total phenolic contents. Corresponding to the result of the sensory evaluation that purple sweet potato and taro filling exhibited the highest liking score. Chemical composition analysis of Kanom-Tian with 15% BGRF stuffed with purple sweet potato was studied and the result showed that it contained 4.32% protein, 6.58% fat, 0.87% ash, 3.73% fiber, 77.77% carbohydrate and 387.59 Kcal of energy per 100 g sample. In addition, total anthocyanin content, total phenolic content, and DPPH radical scavenging ability of 100 grams (DW) of Kanom-Tian with 15% BGRF stuffed with purple sweet potato were 11.06 mg, 70.97 mg GAE, and 48.98 mg TEAC, respectively.


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How to Cite

Pramai, P., Thanthong, P., Pakdam, T., Rueangthanatkul, S., Phugan, P., Inket, S., & Singsom, S. (2019). THE DEVELOPMENT OF KANOM-TIAN FROM BLACK GLUTINOUS RICE FLOUR STUFFED WITH CEREAL AND PURPLE TUBERS. PSRU Journal of Science and Technology, 4(3), 109–122. retrieved from



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