
  • Manop Yingram


Pulsewidth Modulation, Distributed Generation, Grid-Connected


The paper proposes a new pulsewidth modulation method for inverter-based DG in electric power systems, and it is the average point pulsewidth modulation method. This method was used on the Matlab/Simulink and compared the %THDV of the pulsewidth modulation method between the space vector and the average point when the switch chopper reached a 340 wave frequency at 8,500 Hz to produce the one sine waveform. The simulation results showed that the %THDV of the space vector pulsewidth modulation method was 0.4% and the %THDV of the average point pulsewidth modulation method was 0.6% which showed that the %THDV in both methods is very small.


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How to Cite

Yingram, M. (2020). AVERAGE POINT PULSEWIDTH MODULATION METHOD FOR INVERTER-BASED DG IN ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS GENERATION. PSRU Journal of Science and Technology, 5(2), 88–97. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Scipsru/article/view/193059



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