
  • Pakawadee Iamkampang Faculty of Science and Technology Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University
  • Phaiwan Pramai
  • Soratworachum Inket
  • Susitra Singsom


Cracker, Tom Yum, Product development


This research aims to develop Tom Yum cracker product to have more nutritive value and create novelty as well as to study its chemical, physical, and microbiological elements. Tom Yum cracker product was developed by substitution which for Tom Yam Soup in 6 levels of amount which were 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, and 90% of total water weight. The acceptance of 100 consumers was studied; it was found that Tom Yum cracker product using Tom Yum soup to substitute water at 70% showed the highest score to accept (p≤0.05). For the chemical analysis, it was found that 100 grams of Tom Yum cracker product contained 1.27% of protein, 72.74% of carbohydrate, 20.13% of fat, 3.51% of moisture, 2.35% of ash, 477.21 kilocalories of energy, 2.51 grams of dietary fiber and 34.69 micromoles of Trolox for anti-oxidation. For the color quality, the result showed that L*, a* and b* values of Tom Yum cracker product were 42.08, 18.63 and 14.65, respectively. In addition, the microbiological quality of Tom Yum cracker product was in accordance with the Thai community product standard No. 107/1443.


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How to Cite

Iamkampang, P., Pramai, P., Inket, S., & Singsom, S. (2019). PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT OF TOM YUM PUMPKIN CRACKER. PSRU Journal of Science and Technology, 4(3), 15–26. retrieved from



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