
  • Rattanawadee Thongbuaban Phitsanulok University
  • Rapat Chanoknumchai
  • Orathai Jankeaw
  • Atthaphol Rodkaew


ergonomic, production department staff, rubber manufacturer


The purpose of this study was to evaluate employees’ postures while working and to evaluate their feeling towards their injuries that derive from working at a soot measuring station in production department at a rubber manufacturer. A sample group consisted of 37 employees who worked at the soot measuring station. Data was collected by distributing Standard Nordic Questionnaires and Rapid Entire Body Assessments (REBA). Which was the cross-section study. After collection, the data was analyzed frequency and percentage. Study time in June-August 2018. Result was found that the body parts which showed symptoms in last 7 days ago were had problems at their lower back area, and upper back area for 12 months ago, employees were had problems with their lower back and upper back area problems. The body part that the employees had gone for some treatment the most was lower back area. The organ that was protected while working was shoulders. The REBA score was used to evaluate postures of working by considering employees’ overall bodies and total scores of the employees. It was found that the risk of postures was moderate, but there were some problems showed up. Therefore, finding a solution should be performed. 


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How to Cite

Thongbuaban, R., Chanoknumchai, R., Jankeaw, O., & Rodkaew, A. (2019). ERGONOMIC ASSESSMENT OF EMPLOYEES PERFORMANCE IN A RUBBER MANUFACTURER. PSRU Journal of Science and Technology, 4(2), 23–33. retrieved from



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