An Analysis of Thai Traditional Pharmacy: The Medicinal Materials used for Treating Fever Symptom in the National Thai Traditional Medicine Formulary

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Thawatchai Lekdee
Pat Vasana
Ruthaphan Santianotai
Ketchada Chotpool
Saowanee Kulsomboon


This study is qualitative research. All of the data were collected and analyzed from the National Thai Traditional Medicine textbook. This study focused on the utilization of herbal medicinal formulas and medicinal plants to treat a symptom of fever. According to the inclusion criteria, 15 herbal medicinal formulas were selected from textbooks and they were consisted of 128 types of medicinal plants. The herbal medicinal formulas that have been selected contain medicinal plants that are easy to find. Roots are the most frequently used parts of medicinal plants in herbal medicinal formulation. Methods of preparation and use of herbal medicinal formulation are grinding into powder following by dissolving in water (i.e., Nam kra sai ya) or grinding into powder following by moding with honey. The most popular way to use the herbal medicine is to take it. In addition, medicinal plants with the highest frequency ratio or FR of 7.813 are Santalum album L. and Tiliacora triandra (Colebr.). From the result of this study, it demonstrates the potential use of herbal medicine for future research and commercial purposes.

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How to Cite
Lekdee, T., Vasana, P., Santianotai, R. ., Chotpool, K. ., & Kulsomboon, S. . (2023). An Analysis of Thai Traditional Pharmacy: The Medicinal Materials used for Treating Fever Symptom in the National Thai Traditional Medicine Formulary. KKU Science Journal, 51(1), 9–21. Retrieved from
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