About KKU Sci. J.

The KKU Science Journal, launched in 1973, is published by the Faculty of Science at Khon Kaen University. It reports original research findings and provides technical perspectives in scientific, mathematics, information technology and computational applications disciplines. The journal presents in depth scientific analyses with logical organization. It acts as a medium for exchange of knowledge and information between scholars. The journal publishes both original research and review articles. All submitted manuscripts are peer reviewed with online submission system. The KKU Science Journal is published every 4 months in an electronic format.

Authors can submit manuscripts to the journal for peer review with no publication fees.

ISSN: 3027-6667 (Online) 

Peer review process: All submitted articles will be assessed by at least three referees from the academic institutes different from that/those of the author(s). The review process is double-blinded.

Types of articles: Research articles and review articles

Language: Thai and English

Publishing schedule: 3 issues per year

No. 1: January – April

No. 2: May – August

No. 3: September – December