The Difficulties Encountered by Filipino Elementary Pupils in Completing Online Performance Tasks Cyrus Pontawe Casingal*
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This study analyzed the difficulties encountered by Filipino elementary pupils in completing an online performance task. The data and results were gathered through an online questionnaire and focus group discussions conducted in 2020–2021. Twenty participants contributed to the Focus Group Discussions (FGD), while 83 respondents answered the online survey questionnaire. The findings revealed that most of the teachers either do not explain the content of the rubrics or do not present them at all when assigning online performance tasks. Teachers should be familiar with the process of developing rubrics. They should understand how to set appropriate activities based on the pupils' degree of comprehension. In addition, most Filipino elementary pupils find giving simultaneous perfor-mance tasks difficult. They cannot do their studies because they lack the necessary equipment and slow internet connection. The most significant predictor is the subject teacher, the needed materials, the submission deadline, appropriate gadgets, internet connection, and the learning environment. When it comes to completing their perfor-mance tasks, pupils must set realistic deadlines and goals. For the students, completing a task requires plenty of time to finish, especially concurrent tasks. In addition, both the teacher and the students need adequate technology and a steady internet connection at home to fully deliver quality education in this pandemic.
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