Factors Associated with Work-related Accidents among Golf Caddies: A Case Study in Golf Club, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province


  • Manasawee Thongsringklee Armed Forces Research Institute of Medical Sciences


Caddy, Golf, Work-related accidents


The purpose of this research was to study factors associated with work-related accidents among golf caddies. The data was collected by using questionnaires among 156 caddies. A Chi-square test was performed to determine factors associated with work-related accidents. The study was found that an average age of all participants was 38.39 10.96 years old. Perceived safety management was at a high level (91.7%), Safety attitude was at a good level (86.5%), Safety knowledge was at a high level (85.3%) and most of them had work-related stress (53.8%). The prevalence of work-related accidents was 52.6%. Most severe accidents were caused by golf carts (26.8%). The results of this study revealed that there were statistically significant between marital status, safety attitude and work-related accidents among golf caddies at P-value<0.017 and P-value <0.020 respectively. From the result, the golf club should organize activities that promote caddy for safety awareness. The training should be organized for more frequency. In addition, they should provide protection against accidents that may occur with the caddy to reduce the risk of work-related accidents.


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