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The attitude study of students is towards the teaching and learning management system in Astronomy and 13 Space Learning Management for science teachers. This course registered for the first time by third-year students in the General Science branch of Hatyai University, academic year 2022. There were 13 students in the sample group from the General Science program, Faculty of Education and Liberal Arts, Hatyai University. This research used a questionnaire of the CIPP model. The assessment issues are divided into four parts, consisting of 1) Context evaluation (C), 2) Input evaluation (I), 3) Process evaluation (P), and 4) Product evaluation (P). The research results have shown that students have had good attitudes towards the teaching and learning management system in all aspects at a high level. The context evaluation for the content aspect was high level ( = 4.27, SD = 0.60). In input evaluation for the support and learning environment and the instructor are high level (
= 4.14, SD = 0.73 and
= 4.44, SD = 0.59 respectively). The process evaluation for the teaching and learning process and measurement and evaluation is shown (
= 4.27, SD = 0.66 and
= 4.37, SD = 0.52 respectively). The product evaluation for achieving course objectives also is shown (
= 4.35, SD = 0.55). This research results can be used to develop and improve the teaching and learning management system in the next academic year to be more efficient and consistent with the needs of students.
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