About the Journal (เกี่ยวกับวารสาร)

The School of Industrial Education and Technology has established an academic journal named as "Journal of Industrial Education" which is a journal on science        and technology with the objective of publishing articles on industrial education and education with technology. Journal of Industrial Education is to disseminate knowledges on the progress of academic works to faculty, researchers, students, and people.

Publication type
1. (Research article)

2. (Academic article)

3. (Review article)

4. (Book review)

Aims and scope
Journal of Industrial Education publishes the articles on industrial education and education with technology.

Publication ferquency
Three issues per year
- Issue 1 (Jauary-April)
- Issue 2 (May-August)
- Issue 3 (September-December)

Pee review process
Policy and evaluation

Each article is reviewed by three evaluators within 15 days. Reviewers from KMITL cannot evaluate the articles which are submitted by KMITL staffs. The accepted article must be an average evaluated score of 3.51 or higher out of 5.00, without two out of three reviewers to reject the articles.

Criteria for reviewer selection
-KMITL staff's article is evaluated by external reviewers who are not affiliated with KMITL.

-The external article is evaluated by one KMITL staff reviewer and two external reviewers who are not the same affiliation with    authors.

Type :  Double-blinded peer-reviewed journal 

Publication fee
No publication fee

Full text is in Thai.
Title, author name, organization, keywords, and abstract are both in Thai and English.

Owner :  School of Industrial Education and Technology,
King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang



School of Industrial Education and Technology,
King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang
1 Soi Chalongkrung 1, Ladkrabang, Bangkok 10520, Thailand

☎ : 023298000 ext 3723 ,
       08 6349 6020

Free access : Online

Website:  https://www.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JIE

E-mail:  journal.ided@kmitl.ac.th