Publication Ethics of Journal of Industrial Education
School of industrial education and technology King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang

1. Duties of Authors
1.1 The author must affirm that the article is written based on factual information obtained through education and research. The author does not tamper with information and contains false information.

1.2 The article must not have been previously published or publicized in any journal.

1.3 The author must not plagiarize from others and must always include references when referring to or using other articles.

1.4 In case plagiarism or overlap with other journals or published articles is detected in the author's article, the Journal reserves the right to refuse to publish the article and take appropriate action against the author and their affiliated parties, depending on the severity of the case

1.5 The author must confirm adherence to ethical principles in human research or any other relevant certificated terms for their own research.

2. Duties of Editor
2.1 Editor must evaluate all articles by considering their content, which should be related to the journal's purpose and scope. Additionally, the editor should check the quality of the articles before publishing them.

2.2 Editor must evaluate each article based on academic and research criteria, and not discriminate against the article or its author based on factors such as race, gender, religion, culture, politics, or author affiliation.

2.3 Editor have a duty to operate the journal to meet its objectives, and to regularly and continuously improve and develop the journal to meet standards.

2.4 Editor must not disclose any information about the author and the reviewers during the evaluation process.

2.5 Editor must avoid publishing articles that may cause conflicts of interest.

3. Duties of Reviewers

3.1 Reviewers must give priority to considering the quality of the articles. They should review articles based on academic and research principles, without bias or personal opinions, and without any conflicts of interest with the author of the article.

3.2 Reviewers should not have any conflicts of interest with the author of the article or any other reason that might prevent them from providing an impartial evaluation. If such a situation arises, the reviewer must inform the journal editor and decline to perform the review.

3.3 Reviewers have to evaluate the article based on their specialization and consider the quality of the article without any personal opinions.

3.4 If reviewers detect plagiarism, they must notify the editor.

4. Research ethics in humans and animals
4.1 In the case of articles with human and animal research, please write the certification information or one of the authors has passed training in human research ethics. One or both, with a date (up to two years) on Certificate of Attendance in Human Research Ethics.