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Museums are institutes that served society, they are places for educational fairs with fascinating objects and exciting activities. Museums are places to let visitors explore and discover through their own inquiries and provide enrich learnings via complex sites. An importance of museums has been shifted from curating exhibitions to preserve their heritages; it has moved beyond a previous museum definition itself. Museum becomes no-school-based learning environment to operate informal learning with their rich context and concrete material. Technologies have been developed to provide convenient ways of working which allow more flexibilities to carry out the job. Technology development has been continued for the purpose of solutions finding and solving problems. It provides convenience of future living, so people are required to build on their skills by using technology. Moreover, advancement of technology is applied in museum to accelerate learning through new subject exploration and to provide opportunities to access learning information through activities. Nowadays, technology has been used to enhance learning in various fields, it has been improved at the side of the education development. Integration between exhibition design and enhanced technologies could create interactive environment and provide the best content knowledge to audiences not only audiences understanding but also engagement. Design for learning in museum is explored through museum design theories and related factors about audiences, pedagogies, learning strategies, and so on. Investigation processes are set to find out solutions for museum design to build audiences’ knowledge from informal learning settings and dynamic information space.
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