การตรวจวัดและการจัดทำแผนที่แสดงระดับเสียงรบกวนในโรงงานผลิตตู้แช่เย็น จังหวัดกรุงเทพมหานคร

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นายวิชาญ บุญค้ำ
วราภรณ์ ทุมวงษ์


This study aimed to evaluate the noise level in the work environment and develop a plan of vocal production plant fridge. By measuring the volume all the way around the department and 8 production lines including 4 bars in the area working. The front line of the corridor. Corridor adjacent to the front side of the production line logistics. The area beside the production line next to the department store. Walking back to the area next to the front and metal foam. Corridor front line of the front coil front desk PATAVIA CONDENSING JINNY department, electricity department, division, department, and metal foam front by linking the measurements of the total of 540 points. By using a sound level meter Sound level meter standard meter standards. 25 to141dB Analyzer Standard Class 2Frequency weighting A / C / Z, range 20Hz to 8kHz unit standard IP54, EC 61672-1, ANSI S1.4, JISC1509-1. And the result of the measurement volume. The preparation of the noise maps (Noise Contour Map) and define the area to wear personal protective equipment. The study indicated that The front line of the corridor Measuring a total of 54 points, with average noise level 72.9 dB (A) tract adjacent to the front side of the production line logistics. All 40 points are measured noise levels average 75.1 dB (A) tract beside the production line next to the department store. Measuring a total of 40 points with a volume average of 75.3 dB (A) tract behind the production line equipped with front metal and foam, measuring a total of 54 points with a volume average of 83.2 dB (A) front Coil measurement 43. the average noise level is 76.7 dB (A) division PATAVIA measuring a total of 45 points, with an average volume of 73.2 dB (A).Department CONDENSING measuring a total of 42 points with a volume average of 77.2 dB (A) Division JINNY measuring a total of 40 points with a volume average of 75.2 dB (A) Department of Electrical Measurements 44 points a volume average of 75.8 dB (A. ) the front metal measuring a total of 45 points with a volume average of 86.5 dB (a) department of foam measuring 50 points, with volume averaging 83.4 dB (a) department to monitor a total of 43 points with a volume average of 84.8 dB (. a) of the measurement volume. The area of ​​operation of the chiller plant, found that 15 percent. 18 where noise levels exceed acceptable standards. The introduction should be protected Hearing dysfunction by using personal protective equipment is Ear Plug the device. Can reduce exposure to noise. In areas where the staff has to be used Ear Plug is a front metallic foam department to department, electricity department and the operator prepared. Hearing conservation program to ensure compliance with the law. And to reduce the risk to hearing. Employee

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How to Cite
บุญค้ำ น., & ทุมวงษ์ ว. (2020). การตรวจวัดและการจัดทำแผนที่แสดงระดับเสียงรบกวนในโรงงานผลิตตู้แช่เย็น จังหวัดกรุงเทพมหานคร. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 6(2), 21–29. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JEET/article/view/224280
Research Article


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