The revenue assessment from composition solid waste prediction of Ban-Yang community, Buriram Province

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พงศ์ธร แสงชูติ
ศิริกัญญา ฤทธิ์แปลก
วิชาญ บุญค้ำ


This study has aim for study to composition of solid waste and to the revenue assessment from composition of solid waste in the present and the future of Ban-Yang community, Buriram province. The predicted to solid waste show that population within 5 10 15 and 20 years has trend was continuously rising from this year (2019) 13,690 persons will be 14,268 14,870 15,497 and 16,151 persons respectively as well as the amount of solid waste each day from this year 3,696.30 kg/day will be 3,852.26 4,014.81 4,184.21 and 4,360.76 kg/day respectively. From studied to solid waste composition in Ban-Yang community this year found that general waste (21 ± 10 kg/day) followed by recycle waste (14 ± 10 kg/day) and hazardous waste (5 ± 3 kg/day) but not found infectious wastes, with composition solid waste used to revenue assessment was recycle waste show that most of plastic bottles followed by paper, glass bottles and aluminum bottles. However, the revenue assessment found increase charges every 5 years of predicted and charges of recycle waste in this year equal to 6490.38 bath/day and in last predicted year equal to 7654.79 bath/day.

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แสงชูติ พ., ฤทธิ์แปลก ศ., & บุญค้ำ ว. (2019). The revenue assessment from composition solid waste prediction of Ban-Yang community, Buriram Province. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 6(2), 1–9. retrieved from
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