An application using evaluation guidelines of logistics management A case study of V.PowdertechCo., Ltd.

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เมตตา อาดา
ศักดิ์ กองสุวรรณ
เชษฐ์ภณัฏ ลีลาศรีสิริ


This research aims for the followings: 1) To study the state of the logistic operation management of V.

 Powdertech Co.,Ltd for its corporat evaluation. 2) To study the development of the logistic operation management

of V. Powdertech Company Limited from its population who are: 1) Management team 2) Sales 3) Supervisors,

 and 4) Employees of the Company, total 220 persons. the instrument used in this study consists of interviewing

 form which is built by analyzing the Content Analysis leading to create a questionnaire. Statistics used in this

 research is Factor Analysis and confirms the implementation by discussion among the Focus Group. The findings

are summarized as follows: 1. The overall evaluating of the logistic management of V. Powdertech Company

 Limited consists of the following five aspects. 1) Development of integrating the logistic technology with the

 organization. 2) Warehouse Management. 3) Logistic strategy of the organization. 4) Development of human

 resources for logistics. 5) Sales Forecast according to customer needs. 2. Guidelines for the  development,

implementation and management of logistics of V.Powdertech Company Limited are to be carried out as per the

 following lists: 1) Development of integrating the logistics technology with the organization. 2) To manage the

 Warehouse  Management  by  integrating  the  Enterprise  Resource  Planning: ERP  with  the  Route  Planning

 Programs and adding the Use of Global Positioning System (Global Positioning System: GPS) to create the

 company’s Transportation Management System: TMS. 3) To manage the Warehouse Management by integrating

the Correct Storage Plan and Disbursements to make the timely accuracy and preservation of raw materials in

 good condition. 4) To create the enterprise logistic strategy to enhance customer satisfactory by integrating

 expertise’s’  knowledge  and  experience  to  build  the  strong  teams.5)  To  create  the  development  of  human

 resources  by  providing  every  company’s  job  positions  with  the  efficient  competency,  appropriate  personal

evaluation and the good logistic operation management.

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How to Cite
อาดา เ., กองสุวรรณ ศ., & ลีลาศรีสิริ เ. (2015). An application using evaluation guidelines of logistics management A case study of V.PowdertechCo., Ltd. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 2(1), 37–48. retrieved from
Research Article


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