The Effect of Landscape Elements on Microclimate

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เมตธนิก หอภัทรชนจินดา



The aim of this research is to investigate the relationship between the landscape elements; shading areas and hardscape areas, and the climatic conditions. The research outcome can be the guideline for landscape design which related to human behaviors and environmental systems. The research method is to 1) Collect data of microclimate of three public parks in Bangkok including air temperature, relative humidity and air velocity of the shading and hardscape areas. The data was gathered from the 29 co-ordinates point in the each park. 2) Analyze the data by using bivariate correlations method for determining the relationship between variables; the landscape elements and climatic condition. The result showed that the shading areas; from the trees and from the nearby buildings, have obviously an effect on the reduction of the air temperature during daytime. On the contrary, the hardscape areas have considerably an effect on the increase of the air temperature during daytime.



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How to Cite
หอภัทรชนจินดา เ. (2015). The Effect of Landscape Elements on Microclimate. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 2(1), 23–36. retrieved from
Research Article


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