The Innovative reduction odor of Latex Sludge

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เสาวนีย์ ก่อวุฒิกุลรังษี
สมพร ประเสริฐส่งสกุล
ยุพดี ชัยสุขสันต์


Sludge was waste generated from concentrated latex manufactory by centrifuging. It composes of some coagulated rubber, insoluble material of magnesium ammonium phosphate (MgNH4PO4.6H2O). Particularly, fresh latex preserved with ammonia is contained. This precipitated salt sometimes containing occluded rubber. The sludge is deposited in the bowl.  It was settled in the bottom of the container during storage and deposits in the bowl of the centrifuged containers. Generally, this disposed latex sludge was become waste, abandoned, reclamation and incineration. The odor of dried storage was foul. It was useless. This research was worked on properties of latex sludge, extended effective microorganisms (EM), reduction odor of latex sludge and evaluation of effective microorganisms as foul odor in latex sludge.


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ก่อวุฒิกุลรังษี เ., ประเสริฐส่งสกุล ส., & ชัยสุขสันต์ ย. (2015). The Innovative reduction odor of Latex Sludge. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 2(2), 40–51. retrieved from
Research Article


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