Estimation Surface Tension of Vegetable Oils from Saponification Number and Iodine Value by Multiple Liner Regression

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สุริยา พันธ์โกศล
ติณณภพ จุ่มอิ่น


Surface Tension (γ) are important physical properties of a liquid. In this work, proposed a developed general surface tension model of Phankosal for estimating surface tension of vegetable oils at variable temperature as a function of saponification number and iodine value. Data available in literatures are used to validate, and support the speculations derived from the proposed equation.

The proposed equation is easy to use and the estimated surface tension values of vegetable oil at different temperatures agree well with the literature values, within a narrow range of 10-140oC. The average absolute deviation (AAD) is 0.00014%. The surface tension outside this temperature range may be possibly predicted by this model but accuracy may be lower.

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How to Cite
พันธ์โกศล ส., & จุ่มอิ่น ต. (2015). Estimation Surface Tension of Vegetable Oils from Saponification Number and Iodine Value by Multiple Liner Regression. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 2(2), 22–28. retrieved from
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