The optimal of Biomass Resource Management to ethanol production of industrial Investment

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อดุลย์สมาน สุขแก้ว
ฐกฤต ปานขลิบ
พิสุทธิ์ แท่นทอง
เทวฤทธิ์ วาฤทธิ์
ณัฎฐพัชร์ ศิริภัทรปิยปาน
ปานทิพย์ บุญส่ง
ปรีดา จันทวงษ์
สุวิจักขณ์ สุวรรณหิรัญกุล


The objective of this study is to assess cost effectiveness in ethanol production by using 4 biomass namely Rice straw (Oryza sativa L.), Grass(Chylocheilichthys apogon), Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) and Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes). Net Present Value (NPV) and Break Event Point (PB) were studied and they find that the 4 biomass could create benefit approximately

400,000 baht per year in the first year. The payback period is approximately only five months to seven months. But rice straw was profitable crop which has NPV and PB in the first year as 604,800 baht, 391,144.31 and 0.41 years, respectively. The comparison was best compared to other plants in the same period. However, if four types of biomass were properly managed, it would be a mean to support robustness and sustainability of the community. It can also reduce agricultural waste and weeds. It can solve the energy crisis as an alternative avenue.

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สุขแก้ว อ., ปานขลิบ ฐ., แท่นทอง พ., วาฤทธิ์ เ., ศิริภัทรปิยปาน ณ., บุญส่ง ป., จันทวงษ์ ป., & สุวรรณหิรัญกุล ส. (2015). The optimal of Biomass Resource Management to ethanol production of industrial Investment. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 2(2), 1–11. retrieved from
Research Article


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