A study of diesel engine combustion chamber adapted to use LPG as the main fuel

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นันทชัย โลหะโรจน์วิเชียร
อนันต์ชัย เที่ยงดาห์


This study aims to design and adapt the diesel engine combustion chamber enables gas LPG as fuel. To study and test for gas, diesel, LPG. After modification To create a modified diesel engine combustion chamber enables gas LPG as fuel. By creating this test requires knowledge of the principles of the engine, a modified diesel engine, the engine fuel, gas, LPG, operation of vacuum systems. LPG gas equipment, sources of pollution in the car, the emissions from diesel engines.

The process of creating a modified diesel engine combustion chamber enables gas LPG as fuel. The study data modification and operation of the diesel injectors, fuel gas, LPG. The use of LPG gas mix. Then, the design and installation of a diesel engine to the frame and chassis fitted LPG gas. Then you have to find out the extent of the performance below. Test the compression of the engine, the engine emissions testing, the testing rate of fuel consumption. And testing the engine speed.

The results of the measurement of exhaust gas of diesel and gas, LPG on gas LPG at an engine speed of 4,000 Rpm pollution load measurement is HC = 147 ppm and CO = 0.9% of fuel. Diesel pollution is measured HC = 239 ppm and CO = 3.41%, which showed that the CO and HC gas, LPG is higher. This means that the amount of CO and HC exhaust gas of gas LPG is less than the amount of CO and HC exhaust gases of diesel. The results showed that the cooling water temperature on gas LPG fuel temperature of the coolant inlet temperature is higher than diesel fuel. When gas and LPG as fuel, coolant temperature solution is higher. When we use oil as a fuel The results showed that when measuring the temperature of exhaust gas LPG fuel temperature sensor is higher than diesel fuel. And the results of measuring the cost. The cost of fuel gas, LPG to cost less than the cost of diesel fuel.

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How to Cite
โลหะโรจน์วิเชียร น., & เที่ยงดาห์ อ. (2016). A study of diesel engine combustion chamber adapted to use LPG as the main fuel. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 3(1), 29–37. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JEET/article/view/180649
Research Article


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