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ณัฐภัทร บัวเพ็ชร์
ฉัตรพันธ์ จินตนาภักดี


The utilization of fiber composite materials has become more important because they can be specifically designed for the requirements of the application. This could be a combination of different material properties of the individual materials or entire new material properties. เท particular, a fundamental advantage of fiber-reinforced polymers is the combination of lower weight with adequate strength This research seeks bending behavior of sky-train noise barriers which was not designed for going against the wind power and sky-train vibration. The investigation will analyze the vibration of sky-train fiber-reinforced polymer noise barriers that can be visible to the naked eye by analyzing which vibration level that noise barriers can resist, and also analyzing the damage of structure under forced vibration. The research evaluates last useful life of noise barriers under action force. Finally, it will compare to select the most worthy barriers.

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How to Cite
บัวเพ็ชร์ ณ., & จินตนาภักดี ฉ. (2016). EVALUATION OF FATIGUE DAMAGE OF SKY-TRAIN FIBER-REINFORCED-POLYMER NOISE BARRIERS. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 3(2), 78–91. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JEET/article/view/179572
Research Article


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