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ฮัอเฮอ หวาลื้อ
ศักดิ์ กองสุวรรณ
เชษฐ์ภณัฏ ลีลาศรีสิริ


This research proposes an routing planning to Guidelines of Vehicle Routing Problem by Heuristic Case study Amphone NORLINTHA Agency Beerlao CO, LTD. Luangprabang Province Lao People’s Democratic Republic. the purpose of this study 1) To study problems and transportation of case study Amphone NORLINTHA Agency Beerlao CO, LTD 2) Guidelines of Vehicle Routing Problem by Heuristic of the Case Amphone NORLINTHA Agency Beerlao CO, LTD The population consists of Managers supervisor staff and shop total 72 the tool used in the research consisted of semi - structured interview vehicle routing Nearest Neighbor Heuristic and focus group discussion

The results of research study of condition and guidelines of Vehicle Routing Problem by Heuristic Case study Amphone NORLINTHA Agency Beerlao CO, LTD The results showed that The State and vehicle routing problem of case study follow 1) The plan also relies on experience and the aptitude No sophisticated equipment is not used by computer IP router Institute of Information Science 2) The demand is not fixed 3) Vehicles are not the product. It is idle to full capacity 4) Operators also hold a light to the legal regulation of land transport and devil standard weight vehicles.The Board is responsible for monitoring the legal regulation of land transport and devil standard weight vehicles not screening 5) Roads in the World Heritage town of Luang Prabang is not extended The road is a little bumpy, not a convenient way to transport efficiently Guidelines for the management of transportation route and product with the heuristic method include: 1) Should the customer purchase requirements in advance 2) Should the delivery schedule by an average of demand 3) Should the client orders into the table transport continuously 4) Determined not to insert the customer needs in between planning transportation route 5) Should set a time get delivery Definitely clear 6) Customers should select the distance from the nearest warehouse as a starting point in the transmission of delivery in each group path Including value conversion requirement item quantity weight and full truck load according to the weight of the law and the results of Guidelines of Vehicle Routing Problem by Heuristic were distance freight nearest 194.59 kilometers. How can reroute vehicle to guide the process of resolving the evacuations.


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How to Cite
หวาลื้อ ฮ., กองสุวรรณ ศ., & ลีลาศรีสิริ เ. (2016). GUIDELINES OF VEHICLE ROUTING PROBLEM BY HEURISTIC CASE STUDY. ARMPHONE NORLINTHA AGENCY. BEERLAO CO., LTD. LUANGPRABANG PROVINCE LAO PEOPLE’S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 3(2), 1–11. retrieved from
Research Article


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