Robot Navigation for PR Robot

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ณรงค์เดช กีรติพรานนท์
รุ่งเพชร สุวรรณ


Recently, robots have been increasing their importance in human lives not only in various industries, but also in home usage. This article presents a design and development of a personal reaction robot, called PJuk. PJuk is designed for interaction with human gesture and voice. The user can control the robot via various sensors and tablet on the robots, a joy stick, and a web application. According to the control commands, the robot can change face and outfit, and move its head, shoulders, elbows, hands, and wheels. With multiple functions previously mentioned, we have to allocate the robot resources effectively. The experimental results show that the robot can smoothly interact with human in both automatic and manual modes. In this paper we emphasize in robot navigation task.

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How to Cite
กีรติพรานนท์ ณ., & สุวรรณ ร. (2018). Robot Navigation for PR Robot. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 5(1), 12–20. retrieved from
Research Article


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