The development of green logistics management in the transport sector

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ชลิดา โป๊ะมา


This research aims to develop guidelines for green logistics management in the cargo sector and its return(backhaul). Using mathematical modeling. And find the right answer through a program for a reasonable fee. And how to pick the right product. The cargo area in the southern province where 45 percent of the province. Krabi, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Narathiwat, and the resulting transportation costs are high. And used a lot. Making the company cannot control the car to run back empty. And the cost of car sharing. The company makes cost a long way back. The researchers solved the problem by creating a mathematical model. The new transportation management plan for the Southern District. To keep costs low by most. And the number of car sharing to a minimum. The mathematical model is built. Considering the freight management for a company case study, which has toured the ship and return. The original form of transport direct to the customer needs to make a transit occurs when a company case study conducted jointly arrange transportation to the point of origin immediately. This format, which makes transportation costs are high. And used a lot. So the solution using a general linear programming problem of transit through.

            The experimental results showed that the original form of transportation cost is 588,000 baht and used cars, 20 cars compared to modes of transportation that can be used empty. And consolidation costs of transport are at 380,000 baht to save costs by up to 35 percent and the number of cars featured 12 cars, reducing the number of car share to 60 percent and reduces energy by up to 60 percent. The number of car-share decline. The results of this study It can be applied to the transportation of other case studies that are similar transport.

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How to Cite
โป๊ะมา ช. (2018). The development of green logistics management in the transport sector. Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College, 5(2), 54–65. retrieved from
Research Article


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