Needs, Promoting Factors for Continuing Education, and Desired Graduate Attributes in The Master of Nursing Science Program among Professional Nurses in Public Health Region 9
needs, promoting factors for continuing education, Master of Nursing Science Program, desired graduate attributes, Public Health Region 9Abstract
Objectives: This study aimed to examine the needs, promoting factors for continuing education, and desired graduate attributes in the Master of Nursing Science Program among professional nurses in Public Health Region 9.
Methods: This descriptive study included 388 professional nurses selected through multi-stage sampling. Data was collected using a questionnaire designed to assess needs, promoting factors for continuing education, and desired graduate attributes in the Master of Nursing Science Program. The questionnaire was validated by three experts achieving an index of consistency (IOC) of 0.93. The reliability of the promoting factors section, assessed using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, was 0.84. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, including frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.
Results: Among the participants, 29.12% expressed a need to enroll in the Master of Nursing Science Program. The most preferred program specialization was Adults and Elderly Nursing (48.67%), followed by Nursing Management (26.55%). All promoting factors for continuing education were rated at a high level. The top three desired graduate attributes were: 1) nursing leadership, 2) knowledge, skills, and expertise in the field of study, and 3) information technology skills. These findings provide essential data for the development of the Master of Nursing Science Program and offer guidelines for aligning graduate attributes with the expectations of professional nurses.
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