Health Risk Assessment from the Use of Chemical Pesticides among Farmers in Chiang Mai Subdistrict, Pho Chai District, Roi Et Province


  • wararat Sangwalee Faculty of Education, Vongchawalitkul University
  • Thippapa Namprathed Faculty of Public Health, Vongchawalitkul University
  • Panthip Buthinkong Faculty of Public Health, Vongchawalitkul University
  • Thanabodee Chumklang Faculty of Public Health, Vongchawalitkul University
  • Sengchoy Inthachak Faculty of Education, Vongchawalitkul University


Risk Assessment, Health Impact Assessment, Chemical Pesticides, Farmers


     Objectives: The behavior of using unsafe chemical pesticides has both immediate and chronic health impacts. This research aimed to assess the likelihood, severity, and health risks associated with the use of chemical pesticides among farmers in Chiang Mai Subdistrict, Pho Chai District, Roi Et Province.

     Methods: Data were collected using the health risk assessment form. The samples involved 208 farmers. The study was conducted between November 2566 and May 2567. Statistical analysis included descriptive statistics and Chi-Square statistics to identify factors related to the risk of exposure to chemical pesticides among farmers.

     Results:The study revealed that 61.1% of the sample group were male, with an average age of 39.3 years (S.D. = 12.4, Min. = 18, Max. = 66). Famers experienced post-spraying symptoms, with 27.4% reporting symptoms. Severity levels of pesticide use indicated that 64.0% were at a low severity level, 20.6% at a moderate level, and 15.4% at a relatively high level. In terms of exposure risk, 68.7% of farmers had a low exposure risk, 30.8% had a moderate risk, and 0.5% had a high risk. Matrix analysis between exposure risk and severity levels showed that farmers were at low risk (68.2%), high risk (14.9%), relatively high risk (12.1%), and moderate risk (4.8%). Statistical analysis revealed significant relationships between marital status (X2 = 6.715, P=016) and post-exposure symptoms (X2=164.033, P<0.001) with the likelihood of pesticide exposure at statistically significant 0.05 level.

     Therefore, public health personnel and related agencies should enhance health knowledge on preventing pesticide-related diseases among farmers and pesticide applicators to reduce the risk of pesticide exposure and its impacts on farmers.


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How to Cite

Sangwalee, wararat, Namprathed, T., Buthinkong, P., Chumklang, T., & Inthachak, S. (2024). Health Risk Assessment from the Use of Chemical Pesticides among Farmers in Chiang Mai Subdistrict, Pho Chai District, Roi Et Province. Journal of Vongchavalitkul University, 37(1), 52–67. Retrieved from