Nutrition Status and Results of Techniques Creating to Increase Fruit and Vegetable Consumption for Students: A Case Study in an Elementary School of Nakhon Ratchasima Province
Students, Nutritional Status, Consumption Behavior, Vegetable and FruitAbstract
Objective: This study aimed to evaluate nutritional status and to study the results of strategies or techniques applying to promote an increasing of vegetable and fruit consumption at lunch.
Methods: The research was a participatory action research design. The target group were 84 students studying in kindergarten to elementary class in academic year 2022. Three instruments used in this study were (1) weighing scale, and height measuring device for nutritional status assessment; (2) the evaluation form for vegetable and fruit consumption behavior of student; and (3) AICE technique to increase participation of related person. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistic and Fisher’s exact test.
Results: The results showed that the average age of the students was 9 years old. The nutritional status before and after the study were displayed. Seventy three point eight (73.8%, before) and 76.2% (after) of the students were in normal range, 13.1% and 11.9% were obese, 10.7% and 9.5% were thin, and 2.4% were in short stature level. Regarding the vegetable and fruit consumption, it was found that before the study, 48.8% of the students did not consume, whereas, 38.1% consumed but insufficient, and only 13.1% consumed sufficiently. After creating and implementing the 9 techniques to encourage more vegetable and fruit consumption, the rate of students not consuming fruit and vegetable decreased to only 33.3%, the rate of insufficient consumption increased to 50.0%, and sufficient consumption increased to 16.7%. However, the increasing of fruit and vegetable consumption was not statistically significant different. Therefore, to continually improve in consumption behavior of students, it is necessary to bring health related technology to be used as well, The improvement intervention included the determination of problems resolutions or individual development resolutions along with social or environmental development. The improvement intervention should be conducted with regard to the important factors such as monitoring, control, duration, continuity, and cooperation of stakeholders.
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