Perception and Expectation of Health Personnel on Preparation to Transfer Mission of Sub-district Health Promoting Hospitals to Provincial Administrative Organization in Health Region 8
perception, expectation, preparation, transfer mission of sub-district Health Promoting HospitalAbstract
Objective: This cross-sectional descriptive study aimed to examine the perceptions and expectations of health personnel in preparation to transfer the mission of sub-district health promoting hospitals to the provincial administrative organization in Health Region 8.
Methodology: The sample group consisted of 363 healthcare personnel from Health Region 8. Data was collected using a questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive statistics.
Results: The overall perception of healthcare personnel towards the transfer of missions of sub-district health promoting hospitals to the provincial administrative organization for promoting district health was found to be at a moderate level (82.9%). In term of perception, it was found that all dimensions were at a moderate level. These included tangibility, trustworthiness, confidence, responsiveness, and reliability. The overall expectation was at a high level (79.6%). For specific aspects of expectation, all dimensions were rated at a moderate level. These dimensions included academic work, service provision, interpersonal relations, and participation. The readiness of the provincial administrative organization in transferring the mission of health-promoting hospitals was at a high level, with a percentage of 65.3. The specific aspects of readiness, all dimensions were rated at a moderate level. These included structure, personnel, finance and resource allocation, and planning.
Regarding problems and obstacles, several issues have been identified. Firstly, the transfer policy lacks clarity and specificity, remaining unclear in its implementation. Secondly, the existing regulations and laws do not comprehensively address the responsibilities associated with transferring the mission of sub-district health promoting hospitals to the provincial administrative organization. Lastly, the provincial administrative organizations demonstrate insufficient readiness to assume the transferred responsibilities related to health promotion hospitals.
Suggestions: 1) There should be revisions made to the regulations, rules, and practices of the provincial administrative organization to align them with the responsibilities of the hospital organizations. This alignment should encompass budgeting, resource allocation, and personnel management. 2) Central and regional agencies should play a mentoring role, providing systems for monitoring, consultation, and performance evaluation for the sub-district health promoting hospitals after they are transferred all missions to the provincial administrative organization.
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