Surveying and Analyzing Green Environmental Context in Nakhon Ratchasima City via Urban Forestry Approach
green environment, urban forest, perennial plant, open dataAbstract
Objective: This study purpose was to develop mechanisms for storing perennial data and green spaces. The study area is Nakhon Ratchasima Old Town, which spans 1,167 Rai, 1 Ngan, and 32 square wah.
Methods: The researchers created 4Rester, a mobile phone application that can used to collect data, perennial coordinates, species, size, quality, leaf photos, stems, blossoms, and fruits in order to establish an open data database. Data can be stored and accessed by all users via mobile phones.
Findings: The study region has 2,166 perennials, 29 types of 1.85 trees per acre, and 9.54 square meters of green space per person. Each species represents less than 12% of the total number of species. The carbon dioxide gazelle can reduce CO2 emissions by 0.34 tons per acre each year, which equates to one perennial for every 11.38 people.
According to the Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning's recommendations, carbon dioxide gazelles should be reduced. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment estimates that service green spaces and urban environmental green spaces in Nakhon Ratchasima Old Town should reduce carbon dioxide emissions by at least 1.2 tons per acre, implying that more perennial plants are required. Plants number 3,169.
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