The Effect of Self-Efficacy Promoting Program on Breast Self-Examination Behaviors


  • ลินยา เทสมุทร School of Nursing, University of Phayao, Phayao Province
  • Patcharin Suangwan School of Nursing, University of Phayao, Phayao Province
  • Thammawit Ranron School of Nursing, University of Phayao, Phayao Province
  • Prakaidao Sutti School of Nursing, University of Phayao, Phayao Province


self-efficacy promoting, breast self-examination, smartphone application, Thai females


Objective: This quasi-experimental research aimed to examine the effect of Self-Efficacy Promoting program on breast self-examination (BSE) behaviors among female workers in a university in Thailand.

Methods: The participants were 60 females working in a university, recruited by multi-stage random sampling method. The participants were randomly assigned into the experimental (n = 30) and the control (n = 30) groups. The experimental group received the Self-Efficacy Promoting program based on Bandura, including knowledge about breast cancer and BSE, video presentation, training of breast examination with simulated breast model, and receiving BSE reminder via smartphone application. The instruments for collecting data were questionnaires of BSE behaviors and BSE observation checklist. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistic, dependent t-test, and independent t-test.

Results: The findings revealed that after implementing the program, the experimental group had high mean scores of the BSE behaviors and the BSE correctness (  = 9.80, S.D. = 0.76 and  = 31.73, S.D. = 2.91 respectively). The experimental group also had significantly higher mean scores of the BSE behaviors and the BSE correctness than before the experiment (t = 14.08, p <.001 and t = 24.16, p <.001 respectively) and these mean scores were higher than those in the control group (t = 7.35, p <.001 and t = 22.19, p <.001 respectively).

The researchers suggested that this Self-Efficacy Promoting program with BSE reminder via smartphone application can be applied for Thai females to correctly perform and skillful BSE.



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How to Cite

เทสมุทร ล., Suangwan, P., Ranron, T., & Sutti, P. (2021). The Effect of Self-Efficacy Promoting Program on Breast Self-Examination Behaviors. Journal of Vongchavalitkul university, 34(2), 56–70. retrieved from



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