The Effects of Pregnancy Prevention Program by Application of Motivation Information Self and Social Support Concept (MISS model) among Vocational School Female Students in Nakhon Ratchasima Province
Pregnancy Prevention Program, Preventive Behaviors, Unplanned Pregnancy, Vocational EducationAbstract
Objective: This quasi-experimental research aimed to study the effects of pregnancy prevention programs through the application of motivation, information, self-care, and social support (MISS model) among vocational female students in Nakhon Ratchasima province.
Methods: The study involved 89 female vocational certificate year 1 student. 47 students were in the experimental group and 42 students were in the control group. The experimental group was given a pregnancy prevention program that provided information on the effect of teen pregnancy, and the effects of abortion through showing examples, case studies, PowerPoint lectures, infographics, Facebook, and LINE group including teaching rejection skills, negotiation skills, communication skill, and safe birth control through a role-playing, demonstration, and short film that reflects the effects of sex in teens, brainstorming and group discussions, and distributing counseling techniques manuals for teachers. Questionnaires were used to collect data which were then analyzed using descriptive statistics. The experimental group and the control group were compared using an independent t-test at 0.05 level of significance.
Results: The results of the research found that the experimental group's mean scores on knowledge, and understanding on health to prevent unplanned pregnancy, self-management, media and information literacy, decision skill, preventive pregnancy behavior, and health literacy for unplanned pregnancy prevention were statistically significantly higher than the comparison group at .05 level.
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