Suitable Parameters of Workpiece Cleaning by Automatic Small Sandblasting Machine


  • Jutatip Tongdechasamart Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Vongchavalitkul University, Nakhon Ratchasima
  • Chainikorn Kunlawong Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Vongchavalitkul University, Nakhon Ratchasima
  • Kittisak Wannasri Chizu Electric (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Samut Prakan


suitable parameter, workpiece cleaning, automatic small sandblasting machine


Objective: This research was the test to obtain the suitable parameters for cleaning workpieces using an automatic small sandblasting machine.

Methods: The automatic small sandblasting machine that using in the test was controlled by numerical programs. The workpieces were SPHC flat steel with 32 mm width, 80 mm length, and 4 mm thickness. They were taken through the catalytic oxidation process to rust by soaking in a 5% sodium chloride solution by weight for 15 days. The tested parameters consisted of 3 parameters: the distance between sandblasting nozzle orifice and workpiece as 20, 25, 30 mm, air pressure as 65, 70, 75 psi, and feed rate as 60, 80, 100 mm/min.

Results: The results showed that the minimum ratio between the average removed rust thickness and used time was 0.017 mm/min at a distance between sandblasting nozzle orifice and workpiece as 25 mm, air pressure as 65 psi, and feed rate as 60 mm/min. The maximum ratio between the average removed rust thickness and used time was 0.036 mm/min at a distance between sandblasting nozzle orifice and workpiece as 30 mm, air pressure as 75 psi, and feed rate as 80 mm/min. The suitable parameters for cleaning workpieces using an automatic small sandblasting machine were at a distance between sandblasting nozzle orifice and workpiece as 30 mm, air pressure as 75 psi, and feed rate as 80 mm/min.


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How to Cite

Tongdechasamart, J., Kunlawong, C., & Wannasri, K. (2021). Suitable Parameters of Workpiece Cleaning by Automatic Small Sandblasting Machine. Journal of Vongchavalitkul university, 34(2), 87–97. retrieved from



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