Factors Associated with Proteinuria among Students in Sirindhorn College of Public Health, Khon Kaen


  • Wanasri Wawngam Bachelor of Public Health Program in Community Public Health, Sirindhorn College of Public Health, Khon Kaen
  • Thitima Kasicha Khon Kaen Provincial Public Health Office
  • Lampung Vonok Master of Public Health Program, Sirindhorn College of Public Health, Khon Kean


proteinuria, risk factors, adolescents, NSAIDs


     Objective: Proteinuria is a known risk factor of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). However, it is still unclear of what factors contribute to proteinuria in adolescents. This research aimed to investigate risk factors that were associated with proteinuria among college students.

    Methods: This cross-sectional analytical research conducted in a total number of 315 students in Sirindhorn College of Public Health, Khon Kaen. Systematic random sampling was used for the selection of participants. Data were collected using questionnaires and a laboratory record form. Content validity of questionnaires was examined by three experts and reliability was tested for Cronbach’s alpha coefficients (0.90). The collected data were then analyzed by descriptive statistics including frequency, percentages, means, standard deviations, median, interquartile range, maximum and minimum. Multiple logistic regression was applied to identify contributing factors.

    Results: The findings revealed that most of participants were females (87.94 %), with a median age of 20 years (IQR = 1), half of them (57.38%) had a normal BMI. After adjusted for covariates, the results showed that the population aged 20 and above were significantly associated with proteinuria (ORadj = 2.92, 95% CI: 1.39 to 6.09, p-value =.004) and taking Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) was also significantly associated with proteinuria (ORadj = 2.10, 95% CI: 1.06 to 4.16, p-value = 0.032)

    In conclusion, advancing age and NSAIDs could be directly associated with proteinuria in adolescent population. To prevent CKD, health promotion regarding proteinuria should be constantly addressed and prioritized in the policymaking, especially among people with existing proteinuria condition. In addition, NSAIDS should be taken properly as to reduce the risk of future CKD. The finding revealed that most of participants were females (87.94 %), with a median age of them were 20 years old (IQR=1). Half of them (57.38%) had a normal BMI. After adjusted for covariates; we found that age older than 20 years was associated with proteinuria (ORadj =2.92, 95% CI: 1.39 to 6.09, p-value = 0.004), Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) also associated with proteinuria (ORadj =2.10, 95% CI: 1.06 to 4.16, p-value = 0.032) In conclusion, students with advancing age and NSAIDs were significantly correlated of proteinuria. A key policy priority should be developed proteinuria screening system for promoting quality of life.


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How to Cite

Wawngam, W., Kasicha, T., & Vonok, L. (2021). Factors Associated with Proteinuria among Students in Sirindhorn College of Public Health, Khon Kaen. Journal of Vongchavalitkul university, 34(1), 10–21. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/vujournal/article/view/244134



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