"Ton Kla Wichakan ": Knowledge Management Innovation in the 21st Century


  • Mana Sinthuwongsanont Lecturer of the Faculty of Education, Vongchavalitkul University


Ton Kla Wichakan, Innovation, Knowledge Management


This article presents “Ton Kla Wichakan" which is a guideline for knowledge management innovation of the Faculty of Education, Vongchavalitkul University. This indicates the process of lecturer and other faculty staff development to let them improve knowledge, ability, experience, readiness, and academic strength to perform their task. “Ton Kla Wichakan" integrates learning with task performing for an achievement. The Faculty of Education needs to improve its own organization in order to enhance its capacity to work on by encouraging lecturer and staff to obtain knowledge related to work, performing their duties to the best aiming to focus on the success of the organization and individuals, which is the success and excellence in job responsibility in the 21st century. As the context of the global society has changed over time, a process of knowledge management, "Ton Kla Wichakan” consists of 7 steps: 1) knowledge identification 2) knowledge formation and knowledge investigating   3) systematic knowledge management 4) knowledge processing and refining 5) knowledge accessing 6)  knowledge sharing and 7) making learning as a  part of  work. Guidelines of action for “Ton Kla Wichakan" start with 1) stimulating and encouraging individuals to find out needs for work, 2) learning, seeking and sharing, 3) advising or mentoring by experienced instructors in the faculty 4) providing a forum and creating opportunities for research and academic presentations by organizing national conferences for lecturer and staff to present their works. Thus implementation of the guidelines "Ton Kla Wichakan” of the Faculty of Education is a knowledge management innovation in the 21st century leading to success of work development, human resource development and organization development in this new era.


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How to Cite

Sinthuwongsanont, M. (2019). "Ton Kla Wichakan ": Knowledge Management Innovation in the 21st Century . Journal of Vongchavalitkul university, 32(2), 1–8. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/vujournal/article/view/239940



Academic Article