
  • Tepupsorn Saensuk
  • Suteera Suntararak


Astraeus sp., PDA, mycelium, volcano’s soil


            At the present time, the number of forests has been decreasing due to the forest destruction. This has an effect on ecosystem of organisms living in the forests. Astraeus sp. are also directly affected by this problem. According to the survey of diversity of wild mushrooms in Khao Kra-Dong Volcano Forest Park during 2014-2016, it was found that the amount of wild mushrooms, especially Astraeus sp., has been decreasing, and the prices are rising every year. It is, therefore, essential to study the factors affecting mycelial cultivation of Astraeus sp. to find the way to increase the leaven yield of Astraeus sp. back to nature. The results found that the factor affecting mycelial cultivation of Astraeus sp. with three isolates: Astraeus KKV01, Astraeus KKV04 and Astraeus KKV05 in the laboratory grew well in Potato Dextose Agar (PDA) and Potato Dextose Agar modified+2% volcano’s soil (PDA+2%S) respectively. The best conditions for mycelial cultivation of Astraeus sp. were at on PDA 25-30˚C, pH 4-7 and with the mean colonial diameters of 85.67 + 2.08, 83.33 + 2.08 and 80.00 + 1.00 mm, respectively. This study is the beginning of sustainable development and the increase of the leaven yield of Astraeus sp. to restore abundance to Khao Kra-Dong Volcano Forest Park and to support sustainable self-sufficiency of the villagers.

Author Biographies

Tepupsorn Saensuk

Department of biology, Faculty of Science, Buriram Rajabhat University

Suteera Suntararak

Department of Environmental Science, Faculty of Science, Buriram Rajabhat University


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How to Cite

Saensuk, T., & Suntararak, S. (2018). MYCELIAL CULTIVATION OF ASTRAEUS SP. FROM KHAO KRA-DONG VOLCANO FOREST PARK ON AGAR MEDIUM IN LABORATORY. Life Sciences and Environment Journal, 19(2), 234–242. retrieved from



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