sorption isotherm, thin-layer drying, rice crackersAbstract
In this study, the equilibrium moisture contents of rice cracker samples were experimentally obtained using the gravimetric method at temperatures of 50°C, 60°C, and 70°C, with water activity (aw) ranging from 0.017 to 0.968. The sorption isotherm curves of rice crackers were sigmoidal in shape and decreased with increased temperature at constant relative humidity. Five selected isotherm models were tested to fit the experimental isotherm data of rice crackers. The results showed that the Modified Oswin model fitted the best to the experimental data of rice crackers. Furthermore, thin-layer drying of rice crackers was conducted under controlled conditions of temperature using a convective air dryer. The rice crackers, initially having a moisture content of 85% (d.b.), were dried at temperatures of 50°C, 60°C, and 70°C until their final moisture content reached 6% (d.b.). Besides the effects of drying air temperature and velocity, the Modified Henderson and Pabis model was revealed to be the best, followed by the Two-term model.
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