urea, hybrid sweet corn ‘Songkhla 84–1’, growth, yield componentsAbstract
This research aimed to study the effect of urea fertilizer application at different rates on the growth and yield components of sweet corn hybrid. ‘Songkhla 84–1’ in Phitsanulok province. The experimental design was a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three urea fertilizer rates of 0, 40, and 80 kg/rai. The results showed that application of urea fertilizer at rates of 40 kg/rai (recommended rate) and 80 kg/rai promoted hybrid sweet corn ‘Songkhla 84–1’, which has high growth and yield components both in quantity and quality when compared to not adding urea fertilizer (0 kg/rai). Increasing the rate of urea fertilizer affects the plant heights at 28 to 49 days after planting However, no significant difference was found in the days of tasseling or silking. For yield quantitative, this results in differences in ear weight, ear width, and kernel row. However, all rates of urea fertilizer had no difference in yield quality in terms of sweetness from the trial in this study area.
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