vitex glabrata, phenolic content, anthocyanin content, antioxidant activityAbstract
This research aimed to study the optimum temperature for drying Vitex glabrata R. Br. Fruit by drying rate, phytochemicals, and antioxidant activities at 45, 55 and 65°C for 15 hours. The sample for drying rate analysis was organized by sampling every hour in the first 5 hours and afterwards every 2 hours until the 15th hour. The result showed that drying V. glabrata R. Br. fruit at all drying temperatures rapidly decreased the moisture ratio in the 1st to 5th hours. Drying at 65°C for 5 hours indicated the highest drying rate of 11.64 ±0.01 g water/g dry matter/hr (P ³0.05). The drying rates of V. glabrata R. Br. fruit at three temperatures for 15 hours ranged from 3.33±0.01 to 5.30±0.09 g water/g dry matter/hr. The phenolic content of V. glabrata R. Br. fruit dried at 45, 55, and 65°C had similar values between 291.92±13.87 and 313.39±24.90 mg GAE/g DW (P<0.05). V. glabrata R. Br. fruit dried at 65°C revealed the highest total anthocyanin at 371.21±16.26. µg CGE/g DW. The antioxidant activity test of V. glabrata R. Br. fruit dried at all drying temperatures by DPPH and FRAP methods showed similar values (P<0.05) between 80.47±0.08 to 80.64±0.05 mg GAE/g DW and 7.21±0.16 to 8.32±0.30 µg Trolox/g DW. However, V. glabrata R. Br. fruit dried at 65°C, and the antioxidant activity test by ABTS assay had the lowest value (P ³0.05).
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