Structural equation modeling, Counseling skill, Constructvalidity, Chinese counselorAbstract
This structural equation modeling (SEM) study aimed to investigate the relationship between counselor empathy and counselor performance, and inquire the mediating effect of counseling self-efficacy. Two sequential quantitative studies were employed to achieve the aim. Chinese counselors were recruited from several universities in Guangzhou city by using convenience and snowball sampling techniques. Data were collected using the online questionnaire approach. In study 1, a self-assessing counseling performance tool, the Counselor Evaluation Rating Scale (CERS), was translated into Chinese by following a series translation procedure. The reliability and validity were evaluated in two different groups of samples. Specifically, an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was conducted on 217 Chinese counselors (28.11%men). A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was then conducted on another sample of 244 Chinese counselors (27.46% men) to evaluate construct validity. Study 2 investigated the structural relationship and mediation effect among Chinese counsellors (n = 244) using SEM approach. The results are: 1. The 20-item Chinese CERS exhibited excellent internal consistency (α= .90) and adequate three-first-order construct validity among Chinese counselors (χ2/df = 1.63; p < .001; CFI = .90; TLI = .92; RMSEA = .05). 2. The model evaluation and comparison results supported all the hypotheses in the current study. The findings revealed a positive and significant relationship between counselor empathy and counselor performance. Counselor self-efficacy has been implicated in this study as a crucial mediator between counselor empathy and performance.
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