
  • Somsit Duangekanong Assumption University
  • Soonthorn Pibulcharoensit
  • Athipat Cleesuntorn


RFID, Gold investment, Conflict minerals


This research explores the use of RFID in the retail gold supply chain as a means of improving supply chain efficiency and mineral traceability. RFID has value as a tracking and tracing technology to reduce supply chain shrink, improve efficiency, and eliminate conflict minerals. The aim of the research is to investigate the benefits and use of RFID in the retail gold supply chain. The paper tests a conceptual framework of barriers and benefits to RFID implementation in the retail gold supply chain in Thailand. This conceptual framework was tested in a survey of gold retail experts in Thailand (n = 237). Analysis was conducted using structural equation modeling. The findings showed that fragmented supply chains (-), traceability (+), supply chain efficiency (+), shrink and inventory control (+) were significant factors in adoption. However, legal import status of gold and artisan production were not significant.  The implication of the study is that RFID does have some significant benefits for gold supply chains, but there are also barriers, especially those related to supply chain fragmentation.


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How to Cite

Duangekanong, S., Pibulcharoensit, S. ., & Cleesuntorn, A. . (2021). RFID APPLICATIONS IN THAILAND’S RETAIL GOLD SUPPLY CHAIN. Life Sciences and Environment Journal, 22(1), 1–12. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/psru/article/view/243176



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