
  • Chakkrit Sreela-or
  • Punnada Tharungsree


Optimization, Fermented urine, Marigold


Factors affecting on yields of Marigold by fermented urine were optimized using response surface methodology with central composite design. Investigated parameters included fermented urine concentration and volume of fermented urine. Results revealed that the optimum conditions were a fermented urine concentration of 16.97 % (v/v) and volume of fermented urine of 49.82 mL/plant. Under the optimal conditions, a maximum flower number, flower size and flower fresh weight of 6.33 flowers/plant, 5.71 cm and 7.04 g/flower, respectively were obtained. The confirmation experiment under optimal condition showed a flower number of 6.20 flowers/plant, flower size of 5.70 cm and flower fresh weight of 7.00 g/flower. The result is close to the predicted values by linear regression.



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How to Cite

Sreela-or, C., & Tharungsree, P. (2020). OPTIMUM CONDITIONS OF USING FERMENTED URINE AFFECTING YIELDS OF MARIGOLD . Life Sciences and Environment Journal, 21(2), 429–440. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/psru/article/view/241833



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