
  • Sukanya Chaipong คณะเทคโนโลยีการเกษตร มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลธัญบุรี


Climbing plants, Green façade, Cover wall


An alternative for building design the environment is a green facade that can increase aesthetic value and help improving the weather. This research aimed to test the growth of climbing plant species in the pots on a high rise building and make suggestions on suitable plants. Six climbing plant species were found to be suitable for green facade building design. There are Thunbergia grandiflora, Antigonon leptopus, Lonicera japonica, Ipomoea purpurea, Dolichandra unguis-cati and Aristolochia ringens. The cover area from the leafs was evaluated by the Adobe(R) Photoshop(R). It was found that L. japonica had the highest average cover area of 50.9%, followed by A. leptopus, A. ringens and T. grandiflora with cover area of 44.8%, 39.1%, 34.7% and 30.6% respectively. D. unguis-cati was a minimum cover area of 31%. However, the average cover areas from six climbing plants were found to be not statistically different (p>0.05). Therefore, all six climbing plant species were suitable for establishing a green facade.


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How to Cite

Chaipong, S. (2021). THE STUDY ON GROWTH OF SIX CLIMBING PLANT SPECIES ON BRAIDED STEEL WALL FOR DEVELOPMENT TO A GREEN FACADES. Life Sciences and Environment Journal, 22(1), 13–24. retrieved from



Research Articles