
  • Paphakorn Suthiphasilp


Soil properties, Bio-extracts, Weed


This research aimed to study the effects of weed control bio-extracts on microbial biomass and soil properties in cos lettuce salad plantation. The experiments were conducted using 4 x 5 factorial design in RCBD with triplicate. There were two studying factors, types of bio-extracts and dosage use (dilution ratio of bio-extracts with water before spraying). Four types of bio-extracts were studied including; 1) bio-extract from fruit wastes, 2) from vegetable wastes 3) from fish wastes and 4) Land Development Department formular. Dosage levels were varied (bio-extract:water) from 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4 to 1:5. Each dilution (5 liters) was sprayed every 7 days for 6 weeks. It was found that bio-extracts induced changes in soil properties as evidenced by the increase of macro and micro nutrients after use. Bio-extract from fruit wastes provided the best resulting in the improved soil nutrients and consequently increased cos lettuce fresh weight. However, there were no significant differences in the microbial biomass.


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How to Cite

Suthiphasilp, P. (2020). CHANGES OF SOIL PROPERTIES AFTER THE USE OF WEED CONTROL BIO-EXTRACTS . Life Sciences and Environment Journal, 21(2), 420–428. retrieved from



Research Articles